Christianity in Kerala

Christianity is the third-most practised religion in Kerala, accounting for 18% of the population according to the Indian census. Although a minority, the Christian population of Kerala is proportionally much larger than that of India as a whole. A significant portion of the Indian Christian population resides in the state.

The Saint Thomas Christians, also called Syrian Christians or Malankara Nasrani or Nasrani Mappila or Nasrani, are an ethnoreligious community of Malayali Syriac Christians from Kerala, India, who trace their origins to the evangelistic activity of Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century. The term Syrian relates not to their ethnicity but to their historical, religious, and liturgical connection to Syriac Christianity.


Architecture & Murals

The architecture of Christian churches stands apart with its unique style and structure. The mural paintings of Kerala are an amalgam of religion, devotion, art, and literature....

Church Architecture

Most of the churches were constructed atop hills or on the banks of rivers in large areas and always faced east...

Mural Paintings

The murals seen on the western walls of the St. George Church at Paliekkara, established in 1815, have a unique style...

Murals and Sculptures of Churches

The abundance of wood and ivory in Kerala caused the sculpting on them ...

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