Heli Tourism

Rajamala Hills, Idukki

People flock to Rajamala to watch the NilgiriTahr in its natural habitat but it is the intrinsic beauty of the destination that makes you wish you never leave. Rajamala is among the finest Hill Stations in Idukki, located around 15 km from Munnar. You're surrounded by what seems like a lush green carpet on all sides. Rare flora and fauna abound along with some of the finest trekking trails in the area. These take you to some of the most wonderful vantage points in the district where the entire valley seems to open up on command.

Getting there

Nearest railway station: Kottayam, about 142 km away

Nearest airport: Cochin International Airport, about 130 km away; Madhurai Airport in Tamil Nadu is142 km away


Latitude: 10.143199, Longitude: 77.039552

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District Tourism Promotion Councils KTDC KTIL Thenmala Ecotourism Promotion Society BRDC Sargaalaya SIHMK Responsible Tourism Mission KITTS Adventure Tourism
Muziris Heritage saathi nidhi Sahapedia Food Craft Institute
Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala, Park View, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India - 695 033
Phone: +91 471 2321132, Fax: +91 471 2322279, E-mail: info@keralatourism.org.
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