Heli Tourism

St Mary's Forane Church, Kanjoor

Built as early as AD 1001, the St Mary's Forane Church at Kanjoor located on the banks of the River Periyar is one of the most popular pilgrim centres in Kerala. The church sees people of all faith flock here to offer their prayers to Kanjoor Punnyavan. The church belongs to the Archdiocese of Ernakulam – Angamaly. This landmark church, located near Aluva in Ernakulam, sees an exceptional blend of Indian architecture, Persian design, and Portuguese artistry. The church is renowned for its spectacular mural paintings. Repainted versions of ancient murals such as Archangel Gabriel’s revelation, Jesus Christ and Mother Mary, Last Supper are found here along with paintings based on non-biblical themes. Thousands congregate at the church for the 'Feast of the St. Sebastian' held every year from 10th to 27th of January. 

Getting there

Nearest railway station: Aluva Railway Station, about 13 km 

Nearest airport: Cochin International Airport, about 7 km 


Latitude: 10.141588, Longitude: 76.429289

Geographical Information

Altitude: Sea level

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