Kanthanpara Waterfalls
Deep in the heart of Wayanad lies a hidden gem that holds the promise of tranquility in its bosom. Kanthanpara is an escape from the chaos of the real world in every sense. This unexplored waterfall offers nature lovers a cosy haven to retreat to rejuvenate themselves.
An enchanting waterfall tucked away in the unsullied embrace of verdant Nature, cool waters that gurgle over smooth rocks and the constant gentle breeze to lull away any anxieties. What more could you possibly wish for. The secluded location of Kanthanpara adds to its charm and allure making it the perfect place for anyone who seeks peace and sanctity.Â
Surrounded by lush green landscapes Kanthanpara lets you unplug from the hustle-bustle and cacophony of daily life and plug in to the soothing pulse and rhythm of Nature. The vibrant flora in the area adds to the experience making it the perfect spot for family picnics and friends to gather. Come unravel the beauty and serenity of these tranquil environs and let its calming environs soothe your spirit.Â
Visiting hours: 09:00 A.M. - 05:00 P.M.
Police Control Room: 100, 112
Fire Station: 101
Ambulance: 102, 108
These digital guides serve as invaluable tools for travellers planning their Kerala vacations.
The green paradise of Kerala, Wayanad District, has a lot of hidden beauties to please any type of traveller. Wayanad is unblemished nature served on a rosewood platter. The E Brochure brought out by Kerala Tourism gives details about Cheengeri Hills, Village Life Experiences, Kanthanpara Waterfalls, Pookode Lake, Karlad Lake, Priyadarshini Hills, Kuruvadweep or Kuruva Island, the Edakkal Caves, Banasura Sagar Dam and Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary. Apart from a picture gallery of high-definition photos, the travel brochure also has hyperlinks to 360° and regular videos of the locations
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Here's a wide range of accredited hospitality services available in Kanthanpara Waterfalls.
Your safety is our top priority: Choose from a select group of accredited adventure tour operators for an unforgettable experience.
Artificial Wall Climbing, High Rope Courses, Jeep Safari, Zip Line
Vital local information you'll need to make your travel hassle free.
Rope in accredited tour guides to get an authentic taste of local experiences.
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jobipnpnl@gmail.comRajeevan Pallath
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josemon.scaria@gmail.comDileep Kumar V
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ajaykumarvattathani7@gmail.comThomas A.V
valayiltom@gmail.comSaneesh T.P
sanimsw@gmail.comSai Ramesh
saitheguide@gmail.comAshkar Rahim
ashkarrahim@gmail.comDeepa Francis
diepafb@gmail.comJunaid K.K
junucer247@gmail.comAncel Correya
ancel.kestrel@gmail.comSathyadas K S
ethnicvoyages@gmail.comDr.Jose Bejoy
withfullofgrace@gmail.comManu jose
manujose9594@gmail.comDeepu Sebastian
tksadanandan44@gmail.comSajin B.J.
sajinbj@gmail.comSibil Kumar.P.K
pksibil@gmail.comArun Sebastian
travelwitharun@mail.comSivasankara Panicker.P
rejanish100@gmail.comShajas P S
shajasvaikom@gmail.comAlso, do not miss out on these Waterfalls
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