Magic Planet
In the heart of Thiruvananthapuram, lies a treasure trove of wonder waiting to be discovered: Magic Planet, where dreams take flight and reality is sprinkled with stardust. Established by the renowned magician Gopinath Muthukad in 2014, this enchanting 1.5-acre theme park is a whimsical escape into the captivating world of magic.
At Magic Planet, every moment is a celebration of the extraordinary. Be mesmerised by a variety of spellbinding magic shows, ranging from traditional Indian marvels to mind-bending illusions.
Delve into the Museum of Magic, a portal to the mystical past and present, showcasing a dazzling array of magic props and costumes from around the globe. Brave the Mirror Maze, where reality twists and turns in a bewitching dance of reflections.
For little adventurers, Kids' Rainbow Planet offers a playground of magic-inspired games and activities.
These digital guides serve as invaluable tools for travellers planning their Kerala vacations.
World’s first magic park themed on magic, Magic Planet is located at the Kinfra Film and Video Park near Kazhakkoottam in Thiruvananthapuram district. Spread over 1.5 acres, the Magic Planet holds a number of attractions like traditional Indian magic, illusion, mind fusion shows, allied art, mirror maze, psycho magic, virtual supermarket and a host of exciting events and activities.
Explore the tourist destinations and things to do in Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram. Check out the e-brochure and start planning your next trip to South Kerala.
Endowed with a wide variety of flora and fauna, wildlife, beaches, mountains and backwaters, Thiruvananthapuram always increases the happiness quotient in visitors to the district
A city and its surroundings that has seen some of the most poignant moments in Kerala’s history, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala's capital city, is an ecotourism wonder as well.
Looking for nearby destinations? Check-out these!
Here's a wide range of accredited hospitality services available in Magic Planet.
Your safety is our top priority: Choose from a select group of accredited adventure tour operators for an unforgettable experience.
Dinghy Sailing, Kayaking & Canoeing, Scuba Diving
Boats and Watersports Rides, Kayaking & Canoeing, Parasailing, Scuba Diving
All Terrain Vehicle(ATV) Tours , Boats and Watersports Rides, Jet Ski, Powerboat Fun Rides
Vital local information you'll need to make your travel hassle free.
Rope in accredited tour guides to get an authentic taste of local experiences.
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kjvarghese2010@gmail.comAjith Kumar AR
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jobipnpnl@gmail.comTed Tony Tom Kumar N.J
ggodwinkumar@gmail.comSathyadas K S
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junucer247@gmail.comRosemary Neel
cochinroadking@gmail.comSibil Kumar.P.K
pksibil@gmail.comLinson C L
linsoncl.07@gmail.comDileep Kumar V
dilzlieben75@gmail.comSiddharth V.S
siddvs12@gmail.comAlso, do not miss out on these Amusement Parks
Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala. The district Located in the southwestern tip of India and is noted for internationally renowned beaches, historic monuments, backwater stretches and a rich cultural heritage.
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