Ranipuram Hills

You are atop one of the largest hills of North Kerala, Ranipuram, popularly considered as Kerala’s answer to Ooty. As the fog finally rolls in, everything around vaporizes into a blissful white, save for a little patch of green, trembling underneath your feet. You remember that on the valleys somewhere on one side, the plains of Karnataka lie, sprawling up to the horizon, and on the other side, Kerala, that lush green landscape limited only by an expanse of blue, the ocean. But right now everything is gone. With the misted curtains of early morning drawn in, they could all be figments of imagination save this thin strip of grass, where you stand perplexed, shivering at the slightest suggestion of a breeze.

A few more steps you could reach the final challenge, a gigantic rock, some tower of a Babel, challenging the heavens, with wreathes of cloud or mist hung around its shoulders. You only have to climb that rock beyond this foggy wall somehow, with a mild sun encouraging you with its cold rays, to strike off this place, Ranipuram from the bucket list of heavenly places in Kerala, you'd see this lifetime. 

Ranipuram is one from the bucket list of heavenly places in Kerala, you’d see this lifetime. 


The place is located about 43 kms away from Kanhnagad. 

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