Much to the enthusiasm of boat race buffs, the much-awaited the boat race in Karuvatta is all set to commence on 14 September 2019, as part of the Onam celebrations. This year the race is part of Champions Boat League (CBL), 2019. The race is held in the leading canal near the Thottapally spillway at Karuvatta in Alappuzha district.
crowds, locals and tourists alike, would gather around to watch these 100 ft boats compete against each other with much fervor. As the onlookers anxiously wait for the boats to glide through the backwaters, a colorful water parade precedes the race.
The curled end of the boats resembles a cobra hood and it is from this resemblance of the shape that the name 'snake boat' is derived. Highly skilled artisans work diligently in crafting these boats to perfection.
Come witness the celebration as the tranquil backwaters of Aleppey change into fierce festive grounds.
In Kerala, festival dates are decided in accordance with the Malayalam calendar and the local traditions and customs. We have calculated the festival dates based on these. But there can be changes in the dates according the customs and rituals associated with each place of worship. As such, these should be considered only as approximate dates and have to be confirmed with the local authorities.
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Karuvatta Boat Race