Can I see Rain forests in Kerala?

Kerala is home to lush, wet evergreen forests, primarily located on the windward slopes of the Western Ghats. These forests thrive in areas receiving over 2000 mm of rainfall, and are found at altitudes ranging from 250 to 1200 meters, with rainfall varying between 1500 and 4500 mm.

The vegetation here is rich and diverse, with characteristic tree species such as Mesua ferrea, Palaquium ellipticum, and Cullenia exarillata. These forests also feature towering shady trees like Bischofia javanica, Canarium strictum, Calophyllum elatum, and Dysoxylum malabaricum, which form an impressive canopy reaching heights of 15 to 20 meters.

Kerala’s rainforest ecosystem is marked by its cool, moist climate, abundant rainfall and unique variations in elevation and exposure. The forest types in the state are incredibly diverse, supporting numerous endemic plant species. The predominant habitat in these regions is the moist, montane evergreen forest, known for its rich biodiversity. These forests provide a thriving environment for a variety of flora and fauna, making them a treasure trove for Nature enthusiasts and researchers alike.