Kerala Tourism has developed this platform, ‘Where to Stay’, with the intention of helping travellers as well as tourism service providers. The tourism service providers can publish the details of their accommodation units here. The information available here are compiled and published entirely by the respective property owners.
Philipkutty’s FarmPallivathukalAmbika Market P. O.Vechoor, KottayamPin: 686144
9895075130, 9847805528 +91 4829 275130276530,
Staying at Philipkutty’s Farm is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the real Keralan experience in a fascinating location, with a caring family to look after you. It is a special place, as it provides something different, especially for those who prefer small, friendly places, and it is the perfect hideaway for the bespoke traveller. Your privacy is assured, as the waterfront villas are entirely separate from the family residence, and independent from each other.