Rita Flowery David

Kerala Tourism has developed this platform, ‘Where to Stay’, with the intention of helping travellers as well as tourism service providers. The tourism service providers can publish the details of their accommodation units here. The information available here are compiled and published entirely by the respective property owners.

Rita Flowery David

Category Homestay

Rita Flowery David
Fort kochi Delight homestay
1/662 Ridsdale road
Fort Kochi, Ernakulam
Pin: 682001

+91 484 2216301

flowerydavid@gmail.com, flowerydavid@gmail.com


Dutch Heritage Building
one of the first homestays since 1994

Property Images


24-hour Room Service, A/c Room, Boating facilities, Currency exchange, High speed Wi-fi access, Internet facility, Laundry, Online reservation, Tour Packages, Transport and Guide Services