"It was totally a different experience for us; the colour, cuisine, spices, landscapes, everything is unique and beautiful", says Martin, head of the Global Mobile Family, with excitement. The adventurous family - Martin, wife Julie, and their four boys Moses, Caspar, Turis, and Herbie - who started their journey last May has now covered numerous countries, cultures and people. What's most interesting is the fact that it is not in any luxury ships they are exploring this world but on two bicycles with two trailers attached at the rear end.
"This is our first visit to Kerala. And what struck us immediately are the bright colours spread all around the place. The land, people, their costumes, their smiles…everything is really fascinating", says ‘Mama' Julie. Both observe that culturally the people here are very outgoing, especially the children. One of the most memorable images that linger in their minds is that of the school children cheerfully waving their hands and saying hello to them. People are warm and friendly. They are also very curious. "Their curiosity increases when they see the four kids sitting comfortably inside the trailer", says Martin. It's very apparent from their attitude how much they cherish their family and relationships", he added.
According to Martin everything is unique in Kerala, right from the way the people nod their head to the spicy food they serve, there is distinctness. "Nowhere in the world could we find food with such amount of spices.
The sights of sandy beaches at Kovalam decked with the beautiful coconut trees were quite absorbing for them. "That is something we cannot find in Europe. Also, the palm trees and banana", says Julie. The couple wishes to return to Kerala sometime in a December month, a time when the God's Own Country would be at her best.