Enchanting Kerala

Plants in Profusion

Published in Newsletter Issue No. 310 - June 2019

Picture this: You enter a quiet secluded place and suddenly get engulfed by green!!! Where each step takes you closer to Nature… closer to the verdant vegetation! This is Palode Tropical Botanical Garden – a flourishing green hideout! 

Situated inside the campus of Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI), the place is a perfect escape for the city-weary travellers from the dust and heat!

Enrich your botanical knowledge as you observe scores of plant varieties from medicinal herbs to some of the rarest species of flowering shrubs all protected and conserved in the best possible way.  The care lavished on them is a wonderful thing to watch. 

Sprawling across 300 acres, this garden system is reckoned as the biggest conservatory garden in Asia with over 50,000 plants belonging to about 5,000 species. The gorgeous Chittar flows sinuously through this green landscape adding to its natural beauty. 

The campus houses a 20-hectare Arboretum that features over 35,000 trees and woody plants, a Ginger Germplasm that includes 74 species of ginger, a massive collection of rare medicinal plants, over 150 palm species, around 73 Bamboo varieties from various parts of the world, a conservatory of Andaman species and so forth. 
Besides this, the campus is rich in indigenous and exotic varieties of ornamental plants, orchids, carnivorous plants like pitcher- plant, pretty little bonsais, bromeliads, gymnosperms, ferns, cacti and succulents etc. 

Conservation as well as collection of and research on the tropical plants are the main focus of the institute. The institute fosters both ex-situ and in situ conservation. As part of in-situ conservation seedlings of endangered species such as Mara Manjal (Berberis aristata) are developed and planted in suitable forest areas.  

The campus also comprises a Herbal Garden dedicated to the memory of Itty Achuthan Vaidyan, a traditional physician of Kerala. 

Nearby attractions:  Thenmala, Ponmudi 

For more details: 
Contact Number: +91 472 2869226, 2869626, 2869628
Mail: tbgri@rediffmail.com