Mutton stew is a very good side-dish for Appam and Idiappam.
Clean and keep aside half a kilogram of mutton, cut into medium-sized pieces.
In three to four tablespoons of oil, saute the following:
Medium-sized onions - 2 (sliced)
Ginger - 2 inches
Garlic - 8 to 10 cloves
Green chillies - 2 to 3 (sliced)
Then add two or three sticks of cinnamon; eight to ten cloves; three or four cardamoms, and a teaspoon of peppercorns. Saute. Now add a sliced tomato; one big potato cubed, one or two cubed carrots and salt to taste. Saute once more. Add the sliced mutton and mix well. Add three or four cups of the second extract of coconut milk. Cover and cook till the meat becomes soft. Then add two teaspoons of corn flour diluted in cold water to thicken the gravy. Boil for two or three minutes. Then add the first extract of coconut milk. Warm up and remove from the fire.
Garnish with sliced small onion roasted in ghee.