Njandu Varattiyathu is a tasty crab dish in tribal style.
Njandu (crab) - Cleaned and steamed, 6 nos
Chilli powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - ½ tsp
Pepper powder - ½ tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Coconut oil - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste
Green chilli (kanthari)
Curry leaves
Garlic - 2 pods
Method of Preparation
Heat some water in a vessel and then put the steamed crabs into it. Next, add turmeric powder and chilli powder. Stir gently. Add salt, followed by crushed green chillies (kanthari) and garlic. Stir gently. Put some curry leaves and coriander powder. Stir well. Once the ingredients settles down after losing much of the water, pour little amount of oil and stir. Next, add some pepper powder, stir well and remove the vessel from the flame.
Njandu Varattiyathu
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