Pathiri could be easily described as delicious Malabari pancakes and these specially made crispy delicacies act as the perfect foil to traditional Malayali chicken and fish curry. Their ability to soak in the spice and add texture to the overall experience makes them essentials at almost all major feasts across God's Own Country. The best part of this scrumptious dish is the numerous methods of preparing it. The recipes below are religiously followed by Malayalis on a daily basis.
Rice Flour (Roasted) - 500 g
Water - 450-500 ml
Salt - to taste
Basic Dough
Bring water to a boil. Add salt. Add the flour into the water and cook over a simmering flame. Allow the mixture to cool. Knead to smooth dough, free of lumps.
Ari Pathiri
Make 30-35 g balls from the basic dough. Roll out as thin as possible (1mm). Cut the pathiri using cutter into rounds of 5 inches diameter. Cook on a hot griddle without changing the colour. Serve hot.
Vachchu Pathiri
Make balls weighing 110-125 g from the basic dough. Roll out into pathiris of 5 inches diameter. Place between two banana leaves and cook on a medium hot griddle. Remove the banana leaf before serving.
Kunji Pathiri
Make small pellets of 1 cm diameter from the basic dough. Press between the thumb and forefinger into small circles of 1.5 cm diameter. Steam for 3-4 minutes. Serve hot with fish or chicken curry.