Kuruva Island and Rafting

Kuruva Island and Rafting

One of the most popular designations in Wayanad, Kuruva Island or Kuruvadweep is noted for its calm, serene and beautiful surroundings. Located in Kabani River, the island is surrounded by streams and visitors can enjoy a boat ride or a bamboo raft to explore. Spread over 950 acres of land, it takes a minimum of 3 hours to explore this uninhabited island. Visitors can also plan for a trekking in Kuruva Island.

The wooded stretch of land is home to rare species of birds, orchids and herbs always attract nature lovers to Kuruva.

The Kuruva Island is opened during the months from October to May. During monsoons (June to September) the island will be closed.

Entry timing: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Mondays are holiday
Contact: 7025513791