Isolated Blooming of Rare Neelakurinji in Munnar Infuses Enthusiasm in the Tourism Sector
Neelakurinji (Strobilanthes kunthiana), a rare shrub that blooms once in 12 years, surprised travellers by flowering years ahead of its schedule in certain parts of the Western Ghats in Idukki....
Mini Train Nearing Completion in Veli Tourist Village
Soon you can indulge in a joy ride in a mini train modelled in the form of a vintage steam engine at Veli in Thiruvananthapuram. This Veli Miniature Railway project lets you travel through the scenic locales of Veli in the mini-train...
Kerala Tourism Begins Farming on Fallow Land
A one-acre unused plot at Akkulam in Thiruvananthapuram has been turned into a plantain farm. The banana farming project has been undertaken on the land owned by the Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala at Akkulam....
Kerala Arts and Craft Village Nears Completion
With the aim of promoting the rich cultural and artistic heritage of Kerala and improving the livelihood of artists and artisans in the state, an ethnic village is being readied at Vellar, Thiruvananthapuram...
Kolumban Smarakam in Idukki Gears up for Inauguration
Chemban Kolumban, the Adivasi leader who was instrumental in changing the course of history by discovering the site for the Idukki Hydro Electric Project (IHEP) gets a memorial...
Kerala Tourism to Come up with Relief Package for the Industry
Kerala Tourism is all set to come up with more financial packages and relief for the tourism sector. Kerala will also be promoted as a safe and hygienic destination for prospective tourists....
Champakulam Race Called off
The Champakulam Moolam Boat Race, which marks the beginning of the boat race season in Kerala, has been called off following the COVID-19 pandemic....