Tourism News

Responsible Tourism initiatives go for a new phase

Published in Newsletter Issue No. 177 - 01-May-2008

As a continuation of the recently concluded International Conference on Responsible Tourism, Kerala Tourism has modified the conference website to serve as a resource and reference center for Responsible Tourism., the Conference website will continue to be the url for the new initiative.

Apart from providing detailed information on the Conference, including details of the presentations, papers and speakers, the website has new interactive features in the form of Discussion forum, Post an Event, Best Practices, which are meant to enable users to discuss, get updated on events and share best practices.

According to Dr. Venu V., Secretary, Kerala Tourism, the forum would attempt to document cases and experiences, both within Kerala and outside, that may offer insights into the different methods and strategies adopted by practitioners. It is also expected that the forum will bring together like-minded individuals and organizations to take the global initiative forward.