Tourism News

Third edition of GKSF set to become a grand affair

Published in Newsletter Issue No. 194 - Oct-01-2009

The third edition of the Grand Kerala Shopping Festival (GKSF), which is to commence this December would provide buyers with increased opportunities to win attractive prizes. The prize distribution structure has been restructured and according to the festival authorities, the mega prize this time would go to six persons, instead of one, which was the case in the previous two editions of the GKSF.  This year, the mega prize is worth one kilogram of gold and the second prize winner would get half a kilogram of gold.

This time, the GKSF would be conducted in the State by dividing it into three zones viz. south, north and central zones. Lucky dips would be conducted in a manner that would enable prize distribution in all districts. Gold prizes will be distributed at the competitions that will be held at the zone-level every week. Weekly contests would have gold worth 10 sovereigns each as first prize going to 18 contestants and the second prize of 5 sovereigns each would go to another 18 contestants. Third prize winners numbering 300 would get one sovereign each. Live scratch and win prizes are also part of the festival attraction.

Since GKSF coincides with the peak tourist season in Kerala, besides serving as a shopping destination, the event would also enable tourists to get acquainted with many of the traditionally manufactured products of Kerala. The organizers of GKSF have made arrangements for tourists to visit production centres and understand the nuances of product making and other interesting aspects. 

The many attractions of GKSF from a shoppers point of view is immense and more importantly the festival is held through out Kerala by participating almost all kinds of merchant establishments.

As far as publicity is concerned, compared to the previous two editions of GKSF, this time, the shopping festival got wide publicity and this would in turn help to prompt potential travellers to Kerala to make their visits to coincide with that of the shopping festival period. GKSF is expected to attract more visitors this time around, which would further increase the sales potential of products available during GKSF.Â