Kerala has tied up with Google to promote its tourism through search and banner advertisements on the search engine. This is the first time a state tourism department is partnering with the global search engine for such an advertisement campaign. A four-member high-level team from Google, led by its Business Head, Mr. Narasimha Jayakumar was in Kerala in November. They met stakeholders in the tourism industry and conducted workshops for them in Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi.
According to Mr. Narasimha Jayakumar, Business Head of Google India, the three-month campaign for Kerala Tourism that started in the middle of November received tremendous response. It is now possible for somebody sitting in Britain, the U.S.A., Canada or India doing a Google search on something related to tourism to have Kerala Tourism's website link appear on the right side of the page along with the search results, he said. A click on that link would lead the person to get all information on Kerala Tourism, Jayakumar added.
The latest online campaign partnering Google has begun at a time when Kerala was slowly opening to its annual tourist season. As an outcome of this new initiative, Kerala Tourism stands to get information on responses at real time. The campaign is expected to increase the number of visitors to the Kerala Tourism website by 40 percent.
Attending the workshop organized by Kerala Tourism in association with Google, the Minister for Tourism, Mr. Kodiyeri Balakrishnan said that the partnership with Google to provide increased online presence for Kerala Tourism would go a long way in promoting the interests of stakeholders in Kerala.
Expressing his views, Dr. Venu V., Secretary, Kerala Tourism said that the ongoing partnership of Kerala Tourism with Google- a leader in search engine technology would certainly provide a target-oriented presence for Kerala Tourism on the Internet.
Director, Kerala Tourism, Mr. M. Sivasankar opined that Google has set its own standards as a leader in search engine technology and it is of immense significance for Kerala Tourism to have them as partner in our efforts to capture the attention of Internet users in a sustained manner.