Tourism News

Recession takes a backseat in Kochi

Published in Newsletter Issue No. 188 - 01-April-2009

While recession takes centre stage in many aspects of global economy, the travel and tour fraternity in Kochi is least bothered. Around 36 luxury cruise liners would drop anchor at Kochi in the next two months with the month of March registering maximum arrivals.

Among the luxury liners that arrived last month in Kochi, Queen Mary 2, the largest luxury cruise ship in the world was the star attraction. It is the second time that Queen Mary 2 has opted for Kochi, the first being in 2007. Some of the cruise ships visiting Kochi in the months of March / April this year are Rotterdam, Seven Seas Voyager, Arcadia, Saga Rose and Star Clipper. Majority of these ships reached Kochi in the month of March itself.

With more and more cruise ships opting for Kochi in India, port destinations like Mumbai and Goa in India are slowly losing their status as the leading cruise ship destinations in India. And with Kochi getting its place in the tour itinerary of luxury cruise liners like Queen Mary 2, Kochi has carved a place for itself on the global cruise map. Kochi would garner further mileage with the realization of the cruise ship terminal that is being conceived by the Cochin Port Trust.