Kerala is set to launch the ‘Industry Connect’ platform, a permanent initiative aimed at enabling tourism stakeholders and entrepreneurs to stay abreast of the latest trends in the industry. Announced by Tourism and Public Works Minister Shri P. A. Mohamed Riyas during a recent Tourism Advisory Council meeting, this platform is designed to foster effective collaboration and innovation within Kerala’s tourism sector. The platform will operate at both district and state levels through a dedicated cell that will bring the challenges faced by stakeholders to the attention of the government.
Shri Riyas also introduced plans for annual tourism awards to recognize outstanding contributions and performances across various sectors of the tourism industry. These awards is aimed at motivating stakeholders to maintain high standards and drive excellence within the industry.
Marketing efforts are a significant focus of Kerala Tourism's strategy, with innovative campaigns planned for key international markets, including the UK, France and Germany, to boost the number of foreign tourists back to pre-COVID levels by next year. Additionally, an intensive marketing campaign targeting the Arab market is currently underway in Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE, aiming to attract tourists during their summer season.
Domestically, a year-long marketing campaign will be initiated to sustain the 'Kerala Tourism' brand among Indian tourists. The recently concluded 'India’s Summer Camp' multimedia campaign successfully attracted families from North India and the neighbouring states to Kerala during the school vacation period.
In the fiscal year 2023-24, Kerala Tourism participated in six international tourism trade fairs, and conducted B2B meetings in 13 cities across Europe and the Middle East. Domestically, the department attended seven major tourism trade fairs and hosted B2B meetings in 12 cities.
The launch of the Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (KITTS) newsletter was also part of the announcements. The stakeholders' meeting following the Advisory Council meeting addressed various industry concerns, including climate-smart tourism, flight fare hikes, medical tourism, and woman-friendly tourism initiatives, emphasizing the collaborative effort to elevate Kerala’s tourism sector.