The first international surfing festival in Kerala, held at the breathtaking Varkala beach, concluded after three heart-pounding days. This event has underscored Varkala's emerging status as a premier surfing destination in India. The festival saw the participation of 65 contenders from various regions, bringing together surfing enthusiasts and professionals. Kishore Kumar emerged as the champion in the Under-16 category, with Tain Arun and Prahlad Sriram securing the second and third positions, respectively. In the Women’s Open category, Kamali P. won the first prize, demonstrating her exceptional skills on the waves.
Supported by the Kerala Adventure Tourism Promotion Society and the Surfing Federation of India, the festival set a significant benchmark for future sports events in the region. The presence of such a large number of participants and spectators highlights the growing interest in surfing as a sport and recreational activity in Kerala. The festival showcased young athletes' surfing talents and brought significant attention to Varkala, enhancing its appeal as a destination for adventure sports enthusiasts.
The event's success indicates Kerala’s potential to host international sports events, further promoting the state's diverse tourism offerings. The local businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and shops, reaped significant economic benefits from the influx of tourists, providing a much-needed boost to the region's economy. The festival's organisation received widespread praise, ensuring that similar events will continue attracting more future visitors. This successful event is a testament to the state's commitment to developing adventure tourism and positioning Kerala as a top destination for surfers worldwide.