Nectar Experience

Kerala Tourism has developed this platform, ‘Where to Stay’, with the intention of helping travellers as well as tourism service providers. The tourism service providers can publish the details of their accommodation units here. The information available here are compiled and published entirely by the respective property owners.

Nectar Experience

Category Resort

Nectar Experience
Munnar, Marayurr, Poru water Falls, Wayanad, Coorg, Idukki

9946667678, 9946664424,


We believe in responsible tourism, respect local culture and are deeply committed to nature. Sustainable tourism is engrained in everything that we do. We also aim to give back to the society by extending support to local communities in and around the area by advising and providing alternative means of livelihood oriented towards protecting our surroundings and inhabitants. Besides, we look at sustaining ourselves by cultivating organic vegetables for our use; having a dairy farm for milk and by-products, a goat farm as well as poultry coop.

Property Images