
Resource Person

General Instructions

1. Your photograph in digital form

  • Maximum File Size: 50Kb
  • Dimension: 150px W X 200px H
  • File Format: JPG

2. Mobile Number

  • Please give a valid mobile number
  • A verification code will be send to this number
  • Given number will be published in the website for contact

3. Username

  • Use only alphabets, numbers and dot (.)
  • 4-25 characters are required

4. Password

  • Use both alphabets and numbers
  • Use any of the special characters such as ! @ # $ % ^ & * _
  • Mix lower and upper case letters
  • Do not use your username as password
  • 8-25 characters are required
Browse file
Male      Female      Transgender

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(*) marked fields are mandatory

Kerala Responsible Tourism Mission Society

Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala, Park View, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India - 695 033  E-mail:
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