Seller: Shanu RaveendranathRs. 1200
Tikuli’ art form that originated in Patna almost 800 years ago. Tikuli is the word that is used locally to describe bindi, a dot worn between the eyebrows as an accessory, but it is much more than just an accessory. In the past, the bindi was created as a symbolic means of worshipping intellect and conserving the modesty of women. But in contemporary Bihar, it has now become a symbol of empowering women. Tikulis were principally enhanced by Queens and Aristocrats ladies of yore. Gems were put on gold leaves as per the status of the ladies in the general public and these delightful high quality Bindis were a pleased ownership of ladies in India , intricate bindis influence tikuli art, which is a symbol of feminine power in India.
Make: Handcrafted
Size: 28 CM Width X 32 CM Height.
Medium: Acrylic
Surface: MDF
Availability: Delivered within 7-10 days when ordered as Unframed, and 10-14 days when ordered as Framed.
This art can be customized to any Size.
Delivery charge: to be met by customer
Make: Handcrafted
Size: 28 CM Width X 32 CM Height.
Medium: Acrylic
Surface: MDF
Availability: Delivered within 7-10 days when ordered as Unframed, and 10-14 days when ordered as Framed.
This art can be customized to any Size.
Delivery charge: to be met by customer