Life in Marayoor 1

Marayoor, Munnar

Life in Marayoor
Situated 42 km north of Munnar in Munnar-Udumalpet road, Marayoor bestows you with the best of Idukki district. Aside from its natural sandalwood forests and scenic locations, Marayoor is known for its vast sugarcane farms known for a tasty variety of solid molasses (sarkara in Malayalam). Here, more than 2,500 acres of land are used for sugarcane cultivation.

Jaggery-Making Unit

9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Marayoor is renowned for its world-famous delicacy, Marayoor Jaggery. Jaggery is the dark brown sugar balls made of condensed sugarcane juice. People belonging to the Muthuva tribe are usually associated with its production. In sugarcane farms, you can see manufacturing units and the deft expertise of the farmers engaged in making the sweet sarkara.

Tribal Foods

2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Experience the authentic tribal cuisine when you visit Marayoor. Millet varieties are the specialty of tribal cuisine. The millet varieties cultivated by the tribespeople are extremely tolerant to drought and the farming mostly takes place without adding any chemicals to the soil. Katti, a pudding made from ragi powder, is made using the grain by the tribespeople. Apart from this, you can experience many other unique dishes as well.


Kerala Responsible Tourism Mission Society

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