The annual festival of Sabarimala, known as Painkuni Uthram Festival, takes place during the Tamil month of Painkuni (March – April), which corresponds to the Malayalam month of Meenam. This ten-day festival is celebrated with grand events such as Pallivetta (ritual hunting) and Aarattu (holy bath). The festivities begin with the ceremonial flag hoisting.
Kodiyettu starts after the Kodikura Pooja, Kodimarapooja and Kodiyet Poojas. This is followed by Deeparadhana (lamp worship) under the flag pole. Throughout the festival, daily Sree Bhutabali and Utsava Balis are conducted as part of the festival, accompanied by other special poojas.
On the ninth day, the pallivetta procession proceeds from the Sannidhanam to the Pamba. The Aarattu occurs in honour of Lord Ayyappa's birth star, Uthram. After the Aarattu, the idol is placed in the Pazhukka Mandapam of the Pamba Ganapati Temple for devotees to offer their worship.