The symbolic significance of Pathinettampadi or eighteen steps of Sabarimala is steeped in hoary beliefs and legends.  According to one belief, the number 18 stands for eight jeevathmas (bodily selves) and 10 paramathmas (cosmic self). According to one belief, eighteen stands for five senses six avasthas (conditions) and seven dhatus that constitute the physical body.  According to another, it stands for eighteen worlds, eighteen puranas, the eighteen tathwas (weapons) Lord Ayyappa used to vanquish his enemies, and so on.  It also symbolizes transcending the world of creation. There are many versions of this. It is also interesting to note that 18 is a sacred number for various religions outside India too!

According to the popular story, Lord Ayyappa requested his earthly father, the King of Pandalam, to build a temple for him with 18 steps.  Therefore, symbolically, the devotee climbs over (and overcomes the reign of) the five senses (panchendriyas – eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin that control sight, sound, smell, taste and touch), the eight emotions (ashtaragas – kama [love], krodha [fury], lobha [greed], moha [lust], asuya [jealousy], dambh [ego], mada [pride] and maalsarya [competitive spirit]), the three qualities (trigunas -satva [purity], tamas [inertia] and rajas [passion]), knowledge (vidya) and ignorance (avidya).

Only devotees who have followed the rules of abstinence and carry the irumudi (two-part bundle held on the head) have the eligibility to touch or step on the holy Pathinettampadi. 

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