Many pieces of jewelry from Kerala are not just ornamental but carry deep cultural significance. Legends speak of rings that bring luck and prosperity to their owners. One such sacred ornament from Kerala is the Pavithra Mothiram, also known as Pavithra kettu Mothiram. Pavithram means 'pure,' and Mothiram means 'ring.' The ring is designed with a unique 'knot' shape carved on it, known as Pavithra kettu (kettu means knot). This holy ring is exclusively crafted by a particular family in Payyannur, Kannur district, giving it the name Payyanur Pavithra Mothiram.
The design of the knot is inspired by the rings that temple priests wear during certain poojas (rituals) and by those worn during special prayers for deceased ancestors. These rings were originally made from a herbal grass called Darbha. The history of this ring is connected to the Subrahmanya Temple of Payyannur, where priests initially wore grass rings for holy rites. For durability, they later switched to gold rings.
Creating a Pavithra Mothiram is a meticulous process. These artisans follow strict lifestyle practices, abstaining from meat and alcohol to maintain their holy status. The ring's outer surface features three lines, representing the three vital rivers of the human body: Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. The combination of these rivers is believed to awaken the vital energy, or 'Kundalini Shakti,' in humans. According to locale beliefs, wearing this sacred ring can awaken the powers of the trinity gods of Hinduism: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. There are rigorous rituals to be followed by both the maker and the wearer of the ring, emphasizing its spiritual and cultural importance. The Pavithra Mothiram stands as a testament to Kerala's rich cultural heritage and the intense spiritual beliefs.
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pavithra mothiram
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