Tribal Grilled Chicken
Our Tribal-style Grilled Chicken brings together the cooking techniques and principles passed down among Kerala’s tribal communities for overmillennia. These focus on using the power of the protein, and accentuating the taste with indigenous ingredients and rare herbs, whose use has been perfected by these communities. Ingredients Chicken ½ kg Turmeric Powder ½ tsp. Chilli Powder 1 tsp. Coriander Powder 1 tsp. Pepper Powder ½ tsp. Salt to taste Method of Preparation Mix powders of chilli, coriander, salt, pepper and turmeric. Add chicken pieces and mix them in the powder. Sprinkle some water and mix well. After this take a small amount of chicken pieces and wrap them in a plantain leaf and then tie it. Once you are done with the wrapping, place them on burning charcoal for 30 minutes to get them properly grilled.
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