This video contains highlights from the 2019 edition of the biggest temple festival in Kerala, the iconic Thrissur Pooram 2019. This 200-year-old festival was hosted initially by erstwhile Cochin ruler Shakthan Thampuran. The King anointed the celebrating temples into two groups headed by the Paramekkavu Bhagavathi Temple and the Thiruvambadi Sri Krishna Temple. This event marks Kerala's cultural diversity and is annually attended by thousands of people. People flock to the cultural capital of the state (Thrissur) days in advance and leave only after the spectacle is over. The mesmerizing event takes place in front of the Vadakkumnathan temple in Thrissur.
For the first time in 58 years, Thrissur Pooram 2020 shall not be held due to the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. Rituals connected to the Pooram will still occur at the respective temples. In these testing times, let us regale ourselves with visuals of last year's festivities. These include a performance by legendary chenda artist Peruvanam Kuttan Marar and the majestic elephant, Thechikottukavu Ramachandran, carrying the main idol.
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